Mushroom soup

Ingredients: (for 3-4 persons)
- 400g mushrooms (I used fresh, you can also use frozen)
- 1 medium onion
- 3 cloves garlic
- 2 large carrots
- 2 celery sticks
- 4-6 medium potatoes (dice 4 potatoes and slice 2 thinly)
- 2 bay leaves
- vegetable oil, salt, pepper, dill, cayenne pepper, a pinch of smoked paprika
- a handful of parsley

- Cut and slice all the vegetables and prepare all the ingredients.
- Saute chopped onions in vegetable oil (you can use olive oil) and add chopped garlic cloves (make sure you don’t burn the garlic because it will give a bitter taste…)
- Add thinly sliced mushrooms and mix.
- Add carrots and potatoes in small pieces and put them in the stockpot over the onions, garlic and mushrooms..
- Add 1,5l of water and 2 bay leaves and let it boil.
- Add spices to your taste (we like it spicy so I use cayenne pepper) and simmer for 20-30 minutes on medium heat.
- If you like your soup thicker just use hand mixer and pulse a few times. (IF YOU DO THAT DO NOT FORGET TO TAKE BAY LEAVES OUT OF THE POT FIRST! :))